You have to become a bit of a fortune teller and a mind reader to be a good driver, which is something you’ll get better at with time. Making an educated guess about what Mr BMW next to you is going to do even though he’s not indicating. Spotting the excited kid on their new scooter. Noting that it’s time for school to let out.
Always expect the unexpected. The number of times I’ve rounded a bend to find a tractor the size of a brachiosaurus in the middle of the road…
You’ll need to show:
- You can spot potential hazards so you’re prepared to deal with them in plenty of time if they affect you
- You can anticipate what other drivers are potentially going to do and plan your actions around that
- You are aware of times or places that could cause hazards, like bus stops, schools and flooding areas
- You are aware and considerate of other road users like cyclists and pedestrians
Revise: observation